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About us

Our Community is a platform aiming to bring together people from all areas of our community.

Who is this platform for?

This community platform is for anyone in the community who wants to improve their wellbeing and connect with other people.

Find local activities, take part in community projects and meet people who share your interests.


What is this platform for?

We know that community doesn't just happen because people live near each other. As a society, we make our own communities through our actions.

We've created this community platform to give you a place to find help, friendship, and a platform to offer your help to others.

"It was nothing!" to you, but your gesture meant the world to someone else. 


What can I do?

Interested in gardening? Arts & crafts? Technology? History? You can find nearby activities based on your interests.

Are you interested in applying for a badge?

Apply for a badge through your member dashboard.

Who shares my interests?

These members have all tagged their interests to their profiles. Find people to connect with who share your interests. You can use your 'best match' to search for people quickly.

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view member profile "Open University"

Open University

Higher education provider

The Open University is a global leader in higher education able to reach every adult in the United Kingdom - and many others across the world.


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view member profile "Philip "
2 badges


Lead Product Manager
1 Connection
12 Credits

I help support our uber-talented team of designers, developers and testers to continue to improve our community platform. My responsibility is to make sure they get the information they need to solve the right problems and make sure the platform con ... 

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view member profile "Robert Woolf"
2 badges

Robert Woolf

Service Designer

I am an experienced service / system designer but that’s not how I started my career. I started as a Producer (Project Manager) at Brann Interactive - a fast growing digital agency that was bought by Euro RSCG Circle then Havas. I then joined  ... 

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Supporting your needs

These activities have all been tagged with support needs. Search activities by your requirements.

Ready to get involved?

If this community platform sounds like your place for meeting others in your area and helping to nuture a vibrant community by exchanging little acts of kindness, then you're ready to register as a member!

Signing up is quick and easy. Follow the registration steps (including verifying your email address) to reach your private dashboard, where you can manage all your activities and edit your public profile.


This platform's campaigns

Would you like to save your progress?

Note: Saving as a draft means your activity will be available for you to edit in your dashboard.​

Selecting delete marks your activity as deleted in your dashboard.​

Please sign in or register

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